NSF/MPS/ENG/CISE RFP for DMREF (Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future) Proposals

Division of Mathematical Sciences

TITLE:  Dear Colleague Letter – DMREF (Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future) proposals
NSF 13-026

URL:       http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13026/nsf13026.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click

DUE:  Window 15 January – 15 February 2013


SCOPE:  The Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF) is pleased to invite proposals in 2013 for the NSF activity Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF). DMREF is part of NSF’s second year of a national materials initiative entitled the Materials Genome Initiative for Global Competitiveness (MGI). (http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/materials_genome_initiative-final.pdf )

MGI recognizes the importance of materials science to the well-being and advancement of society and aims to “deploy advanced materials at least twice as fast as possible today, at a fraction of the cost.” The MGI national initiative integrates all components in the continuum of materials design, including materials discovery, development, property optimization, systems design and optimization, certification, manufacturing, and deployment, with each employing the toolset that is being developed within the materials innovation infrastructure. The toolset will integrate synergistically advanced computational methods with data-enabled scientific discovery and innovative experimental techniques in such a manner as to revolutionize the approach to materials research and engineering.

Michael Steuerwalt, email: [email protected]   For DMS inquiries only

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