Multi-Transmitter/Multi-Receiver Blade Beam Torus Reflector for Efficient Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT)

Download Project Report (Phase 2, Year 7)

Project Description

Overview and Significance

We are developing a custom-designed elliptical toroid reflector which allows multiple overlapping beams for focused wide-angle illumination to speed data acquisition and accurately image strongly inclined body surfaces. Building on the concepts and analysis of project R3-A.1, we are extending the Blade Beam Reflector from a single illuminating antenna into a multi-beam Toroidal Reflector, with multiple feeds. Each feed generates a different incident beam with different viewing angles, while still maintaining the blade beam configuration of narrow slit illumination in the vertical direction. Having multiple transmitters provides horizontal resolution and imaging of full 120 deg. of body. Furthermore, the reflector can simultaneously be used for receiving the scattered field, with high gain, overlapping, high vertical resolution beams for each transmitting or receiving array element. The multistatic transmitting and receiving array configuration sensing avoids dihedral artifacts from body crevices and reduces non-specular drop-outs.

A solution to the multiple reflector problem is to smoothly blend several adjacent reflectors into an elliptical toroidal reflecting surface. This surface is generated by rotating a vertical ellipse about a vertical axis.
Phase 2 Year 2 Annual Report
Project Leader
  • Carey M. Rappaport
    Northeastern University

Faculty and Staff Currently Involved in Project
  • Dan Busioc
    Northeastern University

Students Currently Involved in Project
  • Mahshid Asri
    Northeastern University